Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 105 - Ejections And Suspensions

Trell turned around in a hurry as he then rushed forward to push the player from Vista Heights. The player was caught off guard.

Before anyone could get over to separate the two they were grabbing each other by the collars of their jerseys while throwing punches at each other.

"You guys already won the game! There\'s no reason for you to show off like a bitch!"

"You the one actin like a bitch bruh! There\'s still more than a minute left. If you don\'t want to get scored on then play some defense motherfucker!"

Kyle was the first one to get there as he then tried to separate the the two. He was joined by a player from Vista Heights.

With the combined effort of the two they were able to separate Trell from the Vista Heights\' player that he was fighting with.

The referee came over and blew his whistle as he ejected both Trell and the player from Vista Heights from the game.

Udonis had to hold back Trell as he was fighting to get back at the player that had pushed him "Fuck you lil bitch! Meet me outside! I\'ll fuck you up bruh!"

The other player was also being held back by one of his teammates as he yelled "Fuck you bruh! Ain\'t nobody scared of yo ass!

Y\'all lucky you got that Asian dude on you\'re team. Y\'all are garbage without him. You dribble like you got two left hands you goofy ass fuck face!"

It took a few minutes to get the situation under control. Trell and the other player from Vista Heights ended up getting ejected from the game.

Trell went to the bench and sat down. Nick ended up subbing in for Trell. The teams came back out to the floor to finish up the game.

Since there wasn\'t a shot clock Jason was prepared to just dribble out the clock even though there was still over a minute left.

\'Looks like Vista Heights has got their panties tied up in a bunch. I can\'t believe he lost it just because he got beat.

Trell didn\'t do anything wrong. Just because we\'re up by a lot doesn\'t mean that the game is done. There\'s a clock for a reason. If you don\'t want to get scored on then play some defense.\'

But just as Jason was approaching the three point line he could hear his defender starting to talk some trash.

"Thank god they finally got that thug out of the game. I would say something about his bad sportsmanship but what else would you expect from someone that never had a dad to teach him how to act like a real man."

Jason stopped in place as he continued to dribble the ball while looking at his defender "Yo what the fuck did you just say?"

The defender smirked "You heard me. They shouldn\'t be letting goons like him play in the first place. This is a basketball court not the parking lot of a liquor store. He doesn\'t belong here."

Jason\'s head was getting hot as he let out a furious smile "Thanks for making this easy. I was thinking of taking it easy on you guys but now I changed my mind."

Instead of dribbling out the clock Jason began his attack on offense. He started dribbling in front of his defender.

The home section began to make some noise as Jason began to dribble and show out. He crossed over a few times before going behind the back and doing a hesitation move.

He got his defender shifting to the side with the hesitation move. He then bounced the ball off of his defenders forehead before stepping back and taking the three.

The crowd went absolutely crazy as soon as they saw Jason bounce the ball off of his defenders forehead. This was the first time that they had ever seen Jason put some extra sauce on his moves.

They had never seen Jason go out of his way to embarrass and humiliate his defender like this before. 

As the ball flew through the air the gym was dead silent as everyone\'s attention was locked on to the ball.

The ball ended up hitting the rim and bouncing a few times before falling through the net. And as soon as it did everyone got on their feet and started making some noise.

Vince and DJ were on the bench and their reactions were priceless. DJ fell into Vince\'s arms as he pretended to faint from shock.

Vince laid him down on the floor and pretended to bring him back to life with his hands as the paddles for a defibrillator.

DJ then began to pretend to get shocked as he bounced his body up and down on the floor. Jason smiled as he held his hand up from the follow through of the shot.

But the good vibes didn\'t last long. The referee crossed his arms before pointing to Jason and blowing his whistle.

"Shot does not count. Unsportsmanlike conduct on number 17. Dangerous behavior on the court by number 17. Ejection for number 17."

Jason didn\'t bother to argue with the referee. As he walked past his defender Jason spoke at a volume that only he could hear.

"Punk ass bitch. What kind of lousy slow ass defender lets his assignment bounce the ball off his head?"

The player from Vista Heights began walking after Jason but before he could reach him he was stopped by one of his teammates.

Vista Heights ended up with control of the ball and they just dribbled the ball out. When it came time for the teams to line up and shake hands with each other Jefferson was the only team that went straight to their locker room.

In the locker room everyone was curious about one thing. They asked Jason nonstop about what had happened between him and his defender in his last play.

Jason didn\'t intent to hide it from his team so he told them about how the player from Vista Heights was talking trash.

After Jason told them about what had happened they were all worked up as they all sided with Jason. Some of them even said that the defender had gotten off easy.

They all spent a few minutes to celebrate their well earned victory before getting ready to leave.

- - -

The next day Jason was at home enjoying the day off. They would get the weekend off before having to play two more games next week.

Jason was watching some TV with his parents when he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He pulled it out and saw that he had gotten a text from Kyle.

The text read \'You have to check this out! You\'re on the news again bro! The whole school is!\' In the text was a link to a video.

Jason clicked on the link and ended up on a news video. On the screen of his phone was the same news reporter that he had done his interview with in the past.

She looked straight at the camera "And for today\'s story we have a returning face. A few months ago we had Jason Yang on the show as he ended up a heartwarming story of hard work and talent.

But tonight he makes a return in a fashion that sours the good image he left us with months in the past.

It appears that becoming a recognizable star on a nationally televised show along with having an undefeated record in his first season has caused this young man to become cocky and arrogant.

In Jefferson\'s first game of the County tournament they had an incredible lead going into the fourth quarter.

As the minutes ticked down on Jefferson\'s inevitable victory they decided to start showboating. They gave the ball to one of their players and ran a play specifically for him for the first time of the year.

All just to let him get a highlight play in during the meaningless stretch of game that was left." They showed the clip of Trell calling for an isolation play.

They then showed Trell dunking and getting hyped. The video then got to the point where Trell and the player from Vista Heights grabbed each other\'s jerseys and started punching at each other.

She added "He didn\'t just allow his teammate to do some showboating. He lead the charge himself as he proceeded to do something even worse."

The screen transitioned to a clip of Jason where he danced on his defender for a little bit before bouncing the ball off of his forehead and stepping back before taking and making the three pointer.

The news anchor cleared her throat before continuing "We have just gotten word that the player known as Trell McDaniels has been issued a one game suspension by the middle school basketball committee.

We are still awaiting to hear if the player known as Jason Yang ,or Jaya for those who follow him on the Through the Hoops show, will be issued  any form of disciplinary punishment."

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